Saturday, November 01, 2008

Each must find his own path

The election is just days from now.
I wish for decisions motivated by

Hope and not fear.

Fact and not rumor.

Truth and not fiction..

Concern for humanity over concern for power.

I have concerns and fears about either choice. The one I support wants some things that I do not. But he makes me hopeful that the good can outweigh the bad. I haven't seen a lot of choices I respect from the other. He was more of a maverick once. But desire to win has changed him.

I've tired of black and white arguments, good and bad. There are millions of variations of color in our spectrum. I hope that leaders can learn that. I hope our country can learn to weigh decisions based on which choices are better for them and not a sound bite argument about what's right and what's wrong.

Each must find his own path. I'm hopeful that our paths can cross and that we will not be enemies. I hope that our paths can diverge, but we can learn from the journey of the other paths. I hope that we can avoid blame and finger pointing at those who take divergent paths from our own. It's time for discovery, growth and hope.

It's time for change. It's time for belief. But most importantly, it's time for respect. I may not understand your decisions or beliefs, but I hope that you believe I can respect them.

Each must choose his or her own path. Choose wisely, but choose respect for humanity above all.