Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fundamentally Sound or Broken?

John McCain recently declared that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong". What news has he been following?

Our government is currently using a "bastardized" socialist model, taking ownership of some of the largest financial institutinos in the world because "they're too big to fail," but what about the taxpayer? So far, we haven't seen what they're doing with that power that will help the taxpayer. Shouldn't they use Fannie and Freddie to declare a moratorium on foreclosures? Most likely, the end result will be the breakup and re-sale to the "free market".

I listened to Naomi Klein today on KUOW. She described the "Shock Doctrine" that has been in use since the 50's to break down many of the social gains of the New Deal. Many don't know that when FDR was campaigning, he had no plan for the New Deal but it was the pressure that "the people" put on him during his campaign and immediately after his victory that led him to make this kind of change. In fact, one of his quotes from his campaign was "immediate and drastic reductions of all public expenditures," "abolishing useless commissions and offices, consolidating bureaus and eliminating extravagances".

I don't know the solution, but I do know I need to read that book, and we need to demand more from our leadership. Now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Barack Obama: A mosaic of people

I'm always amazed by the talents and passions of people I run across. This is a mosaic of pictures submitted to flickr by member BarakObamaDotcom, combined by member tsevis. Stunning work.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The stupidest day in political history


When Lipstick made pigs fly

Obama accuses McCain campaign of 'lies' - Wednesday, September 10 2008

In response to the Republican Convention, and the attempt to transform our image of the ruling party of the last eight years into a party of change; Obama said: "You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years."

He's right about the last eight years stinking. I believe he's also right that McCain is more of the same...on issues of women, health, and children McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time in his career, according to Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards (daughter of former Democratic Texas Governor Ann Richards). But, McCain immediately saw an opportunity to get more attention focused on fundamentalist conservatives newfound love for Sarah Palin, rather than his attempt to steal the Democratic ticket's promises and campaign tactics. Feigning offense on behalf of Sarah Palin (as if she needs people jumping to her defense), he drops the "sexism" card.

Obama has to respond, but he has to be careful about taking on the debate. If the Republicans goal is to distract from the issues, engaging them in this pointless conversation is likely to just exacerbate the situation.

I find myself wondering how low political "onelinery" will take us before we can start talking about the issues, instead of what is sure to be an upcoming frenzied volley of accusations and headline grabbers.

Let's get into details about how to fix our healthcare system, and better protect our low and middle class from the quickly rising costs and the rapidly falling number of jobs with reasonable medical coverage.

Let's talk about energy policy. Alternative energy. Let's even talk about drilling and the true costs of dependence on oil.

Let's put aside the fake outrage and attention grabbing "news" and make an effort to communicate the real plans of both parties. Let's help America make dreams soar, whether with or without lipstick.