Monday, September 24, 2007

Cancer Society takes on insurance industry

Cheers to the American Cancer Society. I heard the story in this podcast on NPR last week, and haven't felt so proud of a huge non-profit organization in my memory.

Finally, the issue of Americans living without Health Insurance, or with far too little insurance is starting to gain recognition as a critical issue. American Cancer Society's CEO John Seffrin basically pointed out that most forms of cancer or preventable, curable, or can be significantly combated...but no one can really afford to take it on as it needs to be done.

I don't know what the solutions are, but I definitely believe putting the might and attention of the ACS behind the effort is critical. The un(der)-insured are dying because they put off possibly life-saving care and expensive procedures. Many of my friends face these decisions for all types of health concerns on a regular basis. Americans should NEVER go into debt because they can't afford health care.

It's unbelievable to me that while businesses have been cutting back insurance benefits for almost all working families, and the number of uninsured has reached its highest levels in our history...nothing is really being done to address the problem. Visit the new American Cancer Society's Cancer Action Network to get involved and help try to make a lasting and meaningful difference in our society.

Share your story about your experiences with insurance here

Sign the petition to the presidential candidates here.

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